Ella. Also, no save system ATM, but since the game is so small it shouldn't matter. once you unlocked one of the endings it also unlocks debug mode (bottom left of the screen) where you can set all the settings. You'll need to earn your way to big boy. ABDL/diaper players can find within the game; a number of ABDL related clothing items including diapers, random encounters featuring little's in various situations, an ABDL focused job where the player works for a TV show about little's and has a wide array of options for play (many of which are still in creation), diaper training which will. -Yuhi path : Yuhi is waking up and you hear the sound of the shower it's time to take revenge for what happen last night. 4 types of events can be found with one CG and a lots of alts and 2 POV with no. ini. Heyooo, I had forgot that FTT was still running. 3(a) - Tilly Romance & Outfit Update (last updated 31/03/2022) Share. 3. It would be advisable to at the very least try to get in touch with him if you wanted to do something with his game. It does not mean I am not also working on this, I am still shifting through bugs and also reworking quite a bit in this game. Abordal AB RPG game status. 39 Topics 259 Posts Last post i need to know by terryshepard34. Dec 16, 2014 #293. The abandoned title for Momsterous is a bit heavy handed. Apr 07, 2016 #2. about a babysitter and a wish gone wrong The game is about a girl who has to babysit a bratty little girl. 3] [Game Update 02/18/2022] Arrival at the Nursery [1/2] Here we are again with another version of "A Whole Week In Diapers", as some of you may remember I made a vote to see what I was going to work on this week, winning to work on the beginning of chapter 2, the arrival at the nursery. I liked the dream sequence. Regular. Game synopsis: In this text adventure, you play as an adult anthropomorphic wolf that wakes up in an alternate reality after going to their local daycare for a job. Share with: Link: Copy link. Jan 25, 2022 #1. Story : This game is a sequel to Sofia's Secret game. 10 1. 1 : / Fetish café game : Play with Sofia a game : each turn Sofia launch a coin and if she win you choose if you want to wear more baby clothes in the cafe or take a drink (3 differents of kind) after that it's your turn and if you win you can force her to drink ( 3 differents type of drinks ) or a special event. I. 12(a) - School Core P2 Update (last updated 24/04/2023) Share. Newbie. SCP 2019 is released. my game currently working on called baby academy. The forest altar can be used to increase your stats at the cost of 100 resolve. Gauche Cheeks is creating ABDL Games. 13(a) - School Options Update (last updated 24/06/2023) Share. Panther Cub. 19 ep 1-4 ~ public free) (03/19/2022) You can say that again. Update 0. Instead of feeling what you might expect, your finger passes right through the surface of the painting. AP – Age Progression, the opposite of the above via unnatural causes (sometimes included when AR is reversible)Games don't necessarily have to be long to be good, after all. As for art, well. And yes you can also mess yourself in your sleep. Foxtalestimes. Though, the onesie is really more footed pajamas, which probably due to my overexposure and even a fad a few years ago among adults, I view. Share. I just don't know if there's enough people interested in this game to support that since a lot of fetish games are burned through fairly quickly and I feel a steady stream of content would need to be added to the game to keep a general interest. it however dident feel like it was designed with intent. sorry about that guys the game should be playable [email protected] The game will be on early access in the future but our project is still really new, so we have to create enough exclusive content for the peeps that aresupporting the project to make them feel happy to get the game on early access, so we need to start patreon exclusive to create at least 2 or 3 updates ahead of the public. 1. It works essentially like a zip file. 122 2. And then the bed wetting and other aspects. "Oooh. As I'm unable to work on it as a game I decided to continue writing until I lose interest. This forum is a live document of the progress on the game as well as communication about the game by the developer and the community. Aug 19, 2021 #2. Update 0. It's his creation, and while he has said it's okay to read the source, that's different than modifying the game. (For anyone interested, I have a more in-depth description of the spell system below. Fox Tales Games. SMAPI hit 3. Currently in the demo theres about an hour's worth of awesome fun. The goal is to figure out the secrets of the academy and to escape before it is too late. - Fixed a big bug where traveling to locations wasn't working (Thank you Pyrogenic)- The start of the Auction ending has been added to the game. It features some pretty extreme fetishes though, so be warned. Thanks for the head-sup/shout out SoroCube. Two young couples get into a strange manor and they change into toddlers and have to find a way out. Sadly my hard drive that contained the files for the game suffered a catastrophic failure. Share. This is the forum topic for the game "Babysitter" being produced by Galk. If you are under 18 years old, please do not play this game. Regarding the clothes you can use 8 different models! Buying diaper packages will be cheaper than buying them individually, and in future versions they will be necessary to. 59 4. -Fighting to not give in to stuff mentally, like being treated like a child so. Share with: Link: Copy link. And I'll also take a minute to thank FTT user @munchie_marsh , who was kind enough to provide a new link to the game creation resource pack from @Pieceofsoap's Perpetual Change. I'll be working on this diligently for a while. The game always makes you feel like you're making forward progress, as GGP are relatively easy to come by, and it seems very difficult to. Hey guys, guess what: Terraria, the 9th best selling game of all time, is getting poop blocks. Hmm, I'm still not able to reproduce the bug, but I did notice something that may be causing it, that would involve simply renaming a few image files. as of build 130723) you can walk through everything on the. 0 and Stardew Valley updated to 1. js" otherwise the plugin won't work! Sorry! For a setup guide check documentation. Share with: Link: Copy link. 2. This is an HTML twine based game. 2/ If the internal folder has been moved -The game file structure needs to stay the same, so if the folder containing the images has been moved. 1 : - This is a game in the game with : Little animations, sounds and voice sample to help your immersion:) There is a lot of interaction that the game will take in consideration (Claire and Yuhi) Loop to retry mini games and shortcuts. Starting the game forces the player in a slide-show for minutes, including events relevant to the plot, presentation of 5 different NPC, and a choice, before being able to even input up, down, left or right. This may not be everyone's cup of tea, so be forewarned. - ask the children or staff to get information. I remember a few of the games I played from this place. 1 has about a half or third of the content of the current release. Foxtalestimes > General > Fox Tales Games > More Than Friends [MtF-ABDL Game] Share. Here's the synopsis: you wake up alone in a strange dimension. ' Right now, I have very, very little content. It's a furry-based game where you're trying to escape some school turning you into a sextoy or whatever, kinda hard to explain without being too graphic. For everyone to live peacefully. The game is called Abordal. They are the same person! I really like these games were you jack off these furry creatures, no long stories, just straight to the point, I'm not even gay but these games turn me on. 7:31 PM - Jun 14. History: In this game you are going to control “Mia”, a girl who is going to visit a friend that she has not seen since she was little, Mia and her friend Emily will live many adventures in Mirst Town, the city where Emily lives, in addition to discovering that this town hides something…Go to the game folder and run it. Added a few surprises, for the end of this new update. We just don't have a lot of widely distributed and shared content, sadly. I've been pretty hush hush and I've debated on whether I should release a demo yet or not, and figured, with the interest in FTT games lately, I might as well throw this out there. Very similar setting though. It's past chapter 1 and starts at the end of the current chapter 2 pre release. ABDL/diaper players can find within the game; a number of ABDL related clothing items including diapers, random encounters featuring little's in various situations, an ABDL focused job where the player works for a TV show about little's and has a wide array of options for play (many of which are still in creation), diaper training which will. So I still intend for the game to remain as an open world game with an emphasis on exploration. NOTIFICATIONS. I am liking it so far, specially with all the kinds of twists and turns of what you can do and such and multi-choices and different out comes but a few bugs. That being said, there are plenty of text games made in Unity. And no, this isn't just some 1-scene kind of thing. Login; Join; HOME. The only diapers are in the girls's play area, but the girls won't let you take the diapers. >. [Release 1. This mod uses python scripts, so make sure to enable them if you want to use the mod. not long ago too and it works on a similar premise. The source code is available to anyone who wants it, and to be honest, a lot of the things I wanted to do here are being picked up over in Momsterous, including the daily nursery routines. Anything new will be announced under a new thread when it is ready. What's new in this version? First of all, and as always, I have corrected several translations of text, words that were not well understood or strange meanings. The twist here is that all of your heroes have to compete for bathroom time, lest they want to have an accident. 6. Discover Northwest sci-fi authors with a book from this vending machine. The hapless game dev has since bought a legit version of rpg maker so further updoots won't have this problem. Troublesome Siblings - Chapter 2. 1. technically. personalias2. Update 0. I just finished my first playthru. GaucheCheeks. A babyfur is a member of the furry fandom who enjoys roleplaying as younger characters. . ABDL/diaper players can find within the game; a number of ABDL related clothing items including diapers, random encounters featuring little's in various situations, an ABDL focused job where the player works for a TV show about little's and has a wide array of options for play (many of which are still in creation), diaper training which will. Share with: Link: Copy link. You walk along the road--It's lonesome. also it is a rpg maker mv game. I'm absolutely terrified about this release, but it had to happen at some point. I didn't really want to make this thread before certain conditions were met, but since that hesitation has made me about half a week late in creating the thread, I decided to just roll with it and start it already. 12(a) - School Core P2 Update (last updated 24/04/2023) Share. You are told you're now a test rat in this maze they call The Daycare Lab. Regular. The suite will buff you more and more as you give into it, but punish you when you try to resist it. You can find it here. gregdaweson7. All in all, if you interact with everything and everyone available, it totals in at a little over six minutes of game play. 0 Replies. FORUMS. Foxtalestimes > General > Fox Tales Games > The Repurposing Center (public) 0. CrocodileSmile. #7 - Big Boy - Escape after losing no more than 25% of your maturity. 22 15. com took the board down, it was re-launched on the 23rd by some of the forum members. -If Lion Sleeper is deemed to be the best equip in both chest and feet slots for the chosen role, then Lion Sleeper is also forced into being picked for the feet slot outcome, since the bug to have a. May 16, 2020 #3. Sorry about that. [Alpha, 0. I understand that making an entire other game(in a way, at least) just for the purpose of a demo sounds not worth it or too much effort, but the thing about games that start out at 0. GameMaker ( Amy Rose ABDL Game) is the last stop on the no-code-experience train. The major upsides of Unity are that it's well-supported, very versatile, and has good performance. Share with: Link: Copy link. Now we will have little animals circling everywhere, there are crabs on the beach, little birds on roads and in the city, cats and dogs. UTF-8 wine /path/to/game/game. A physical version could potentially be printed at a later date but is not currently a focus. Little Monster (A Diaper Dimension Story) Chapter 3 12/19/2022. A New Life: You play as a 2X year old slacker "Josh" who is taken to a new strange new place where not only does everything look larger than it used to, but everyone is treating you and the other 2X year olds held here like babies. most games would have made the first one a lot smaller with some means to teach you the visual cues. 5. In game diaper visuals that change to match the state! Bladder and Bowel bar to simulate your need to go Toggleable options menu. 69 posts Page 1 of 7. Foxtalestimes > General. Thank you Rusal for all your help I. 825 posts. I purposely kept it vague in most places for this reason; however, I was leaning toward physical regression near the end. png" (just change the capital K to a small k). Sooo after the increase in games lately, I thought I'd do everyone a favor and make a complete tileset for an ABDL game. )This is my first foray into ABDL games. 21. The following files have been compelled since the collapse of the RDP, a programme which was terminated following an investigation into illegal brainwashing of unwilling participants. Game downloads. 0 draft) of a table top gaming system I've named Momsterous Magical Mayham. Oct 19, 2012 #5. 2. I have released a new update! See the first page for information and links. Its from a game called "Tower of the Wraiths", here's a link to the forum which links the download. Master List of Games. * – Signifies that a 'tag' is a niche case or is up to interpretation, usually followed by an explanation. Then go to the view tab and check off show grid and snap to grid. It’s just a generic white diaper. It's a new project although I did quite a few months of prep before I started a Patreon just to check if it was possible. Distance - How easy it is to run away from a fight. A single purchase will own you a digital copy of the game on PC as well as a. FORUMS. 1 is finally here, featuring a lot of tweaks and stuff. Basically a guy is mysteriously transported to a Furry world where no one's ever heard of a human before. Regular. ) ABDL Toolkit -> (Have a local copy if someone wants to host it. Part of the genius of SPDC is that it's a truly gender/sexuality-neutral game. i double clicked somthing cnursery. - Talk to Valentina to have acces to a massive number of shortcut in. Feel free to comment and add to it, I’m just doing my own write up since the journalist in me wants too :P. -One of the houses in the main town has been changed into the town laundry Of note:I have mentioned what I want to add in the next version, but I think its better if most of it is left a surprise. 12:18 AM - Apr 11. Feb 02, 2020 #313. Aug 15, 2020 #62. -Slow burn (as in it doesn't just happen right away), but things could speed it up or stop it for a while even. If you played chapter 2 some of the text of this post may seem similar but it. They may also be an Adult Baby and/or Diaper Lover (collectively known as AB/DLs), or is otherwise involved in Infantilism. 22 15. 4. This latest version of the mod comes with two new extra . This is a sim style game, largely inspired by the Persona daytime gameplay and other sim-type games. 3. T. With 3 questions and depending of the right answer or false answer you will go to differnt little events.